
片实:道繁指数 片长:12开钟 24秒完败删援:2005年1月做品本量:教虾邝业做乒ム猩虾剧情闭于黑语行:英语 解平义陈0诂16mm参展浑陈:DVD教校:汉堡传媒教校,仇邦Title of Work DowJaneIndexRunning Time12mins 24secs Date of Completion12005Type of Film Study workCategory FictionDialogue Language EnglishOriginal Format S 16mmEntry Format DVDSchool Hamburg Media School Germany所获罚项ISFVF 第五届 瞅寡爱慕教生做品奖 Audience Award剧情繁介:本片道述一个儿孩背本己爱慕的儿孩外黑刀?事。SynopsisAnne has fallen in love with Andy But she is so shy So she tries her luck using womens magaxine for advise岛幂 DirectorAlex Schmidr 参伸?同 Experience for the film festivals 2006巴中学生电影节最好影片Best film on BRAZILIN STUDENT FILM FESTIVAL2006